About This Recruitment Newsletter

Welcome to the Full Stack Recruiter Newsletter - your quintessential guide to everything recruitment. Every edition is carefully curated to provide you with practical recruitment and sourcing tips, coupled with my own insights about various facets of the recruitment industry. So if you're on the lookout for timely and effective advice, hit that subscribe button and never miss an issue!

Moreover, every newsletter isn’t just about reading – it's about engaging. At the end of each edition, you'll find links encouraging you to comment, share feedback, or even suggest a topic. Who knows, your insightful comment or burning question might just inspire the next newsletter!

Who I Am

As a seasoned recruiter, my journey has taken me from the exciting realm of recruitment agencies to leading global hiring initiatives for top-tier corporations. Throughout the years, I've had the opportunity to recruit a wide range of talented individuals, conduct countless interviews, and I have trained and coached professionals at all levels and from diverse backgrounds across the globe.

But that's not all. I wear many hats - a speaker, a LinkedIn Top Voice, an avid blogger, and an author. My books, such as "Full Stack Recruiter: The Ultimate Edition" and "Full Stack Recruiter: Diversity Sourcing Strategies", have resonated internationally, becoming bestsellers that enlighten many in the recruitment industry.

Yet, this newsletter isn't just a result of my professional endeavors. It's actually a passion project. I'm driven by the desire to share my wealth of knowledge with fellow recruiters and sourcers, and this newsletter is the perfect platform for that.

In essence, if sourcing and recruitment advice is what you're after, you're in the right company.

Let's embark on this journey together!

Why Subscribe?

You might be thinking, "Yet another recruitment newsletter?"

Here’s why this one's different:

  • Expertise in Every Edition: Get insights and tips from someone who's been right in the trenches of the recruitment world.

  • Engagement: It’s not just about reading; it's about being a part of a community. Engage, share, and grow together.

  • Tailored Content: Every piece of advice, every tip, is aimed at helping you, whether you’re a recruiter or sourcer.

Be Part of This Newsletter

The Full Stack Recruiter Newsletter is more than just me sharing my thoughts; it’s about building a community. If you find value in what you read, don’t keep it to yourself.

Share it with peers, colleagues, and anyone you believe would benefit. By sharing, you not only help others but also become an integral part of a community focused on professional growth in recruitment.

Until the next issue,



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Dive into recruitment tips, hiring insights & more! Subscribe now and shape the future of recruiting together.


Talent Acquisition Leader, sourcer/recruiter, blogger, trainer, speaker, book author, and results-oriented leader with experience in international recruiting/sourcing.